好吧看完了= =!第一遍看不下去第二遍冲这片子名气坚持看完发现真是部补复杂、蓄意挖坑的电影趣味性却大打折扣~适合资深影迷挖掘研究纯粹看电影找乐子的一概不会喜欢吧ANYWAY, SAY HELLO TO JACOB@LOST 啊哈哈哈
电影中的多处彩蛋确实很让人惊艳我好想说男人的世界我不懂……一个新网球王子ova实在还是想不出有任何能发展成宗教信仰的潜质Looper结尾貌似是在给这部片子致敬呢……片里的cult culture描写得很容易catch on啊:We're all singing, all dancing crap of the world... 太多经典对白了
What good would wings be,if you couldn't feel wind on your face;音乐
In the final instalment of the Godfather Trilogy, an aging Don Michael Corleone seeks to legitimize his crime family's interests and remove himself from the violent underworld but is kept back by the ambitions of the young. While he attempts to link the C